Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd. is an independent chemical manufacturing company. With offices and warehousing in the UK, USA and China and a global network of distributors, we service the domestic and international markets and export to over 80 countries worldwide.
Custom Manufacture:
The Custom Manufacture Division works in close partnership with customers to manufacture their products on a contract or toll basis. We provide them with the additional capacity and capability they need, whenever required. The Division is sophisticated, technically advanced and experienced in the custom manufacture of over 100 products. We utilise 55 multi-purpose reactors, with between 450 and 20,000 litres capacity.
As an independent business we are flexible, fast on our feet, dependable and truly responsive to our customers’ needs. Above all we are accessible, delivering on our promises and developing successful and enduring partnerships with customers of all sizes – from small start-ups to major multinational organisations. Our manufacturing assets are regularly audited by our diverse customer base and we welcome collaborative manufacturing projects serving our customers and ultimately our customer’s customer needs.
Polymerisation & Polymer Modification
Thomas Swan has considerable experience in the manufacture of a wide range of polymers and the modification of polymer intermediates. Using our multipurpose equipment, we can carry out a wide range of chemistries at kilo to multi tonnage quantities to suit your scale up needs. Working with your Technical Team Thomas Swan can take your early stage laboratory route and develop this into a workable manufacturing process.
Scale up is supported by a full suite of hazards evaluation and process evaluation tools to support the safe and efficient scale up of your polymer product to the required specification. Following product launch, Thomas Swan can then act as an extension to our customers production facilities, utilising our extensive suites of multipurpose reactors to ultimately produce tens to hundreds of tonnes of finished product depending on the process and customer requirements.
EcoVadis Gold Status Award
Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd. has announced that it has been awarded the EcoVadis Gold status for sustainability for the third year in a row, with a score of 71%, placing the UK-based independent chemical manufacturer in the top 2% of all companies assessed. The company also scored highly in various sub-sections, achieving the top 3% in Environment, top 7% in Labour & Human Rights and top 18% in Ethics. These scores reflect Thomas Swan’s strategy to grow the business in a sustainable and commercially viable way, while reducing its impact on the environment. In 2019 the company committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030 and have produced an annual sustainability report since 2016 to track and report to stakeholders their progress against six key sustainability targets.
Investors in People
We are accredited to ISO9001, 14001, 45001 and have investors in people standard.