Across Many Industries Containers Need to Breathe

PSI works with many industries to solve the problems of container panelling and bloating. While each custom solution may differ, all industries face the common problem of allowing a container to breathe without leaking so that interior & exterior pressures remain equalized.

Whether the container holds harsh chemicals and cleaners for industry or household consumer products, PSI can adapt our technology and science to your particular needs. For a deeper look at our past experience in your particular industry, click on the sub-categories below.

Consumer Products
PSI has done extensive work for the consumer products industry with a number of clients. Our venting solutions have gone into containers of all shapes and sizes for food, household cleaners, and detergents while maintaining the brand integrity. The increasing demand for using organic or biological bases and concentrated formulas can all be effectively dealt with by utilizing our venting solutions.

Agricultural Chemicals
Fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides; liquids, powders or granules – all can pose their own unique set of challenges for containers of all sizes. Letting the containers breathe, however, without spillage or corrosion effects have all been successfully dealt with by using PSI products for the agricultural chemical industry.

Industrial Cleaners & Chemicals
Harsh and sometimes hazardous chemicals and cleaners, strong enough for industry, require an integrated, complete solution for containers storing them. PSI understands the industrial cleaners and chemicals industry very well. Our venting solutions provide safe and effective solutions to bloating and panelling concerns in a tough industry requiring tough containers.

Life Science & Laboratory
Lab & Analysis or Life Sciences industries utilize PSI venting products in a great number of different ways. Many clients use our products for clean room applications, forensics, testing and other ways by allowing us to incorporate the same types of membranes and processes to meet their needs under stringent requirements.

Petrochemical Products have long been a part of our repertoire of applications for PSI venting solutions. While requirements might be unique for this industry remember that all of our venting solutions are customized, and so each product still gets an integrated solution, no matter the end use or user.

While demands and requirements on containers are getting more complex all the time, the age old problems of container bloating and panelling remain the same because physics and chemistry don’t change. Physics and chemistry create conditions that introduce variables and variation into your process, including material incompatibility pressure variations.

There are three major variables which determine the amount of pressure a gas will exert in a closed container:

  • Sealing a container fixes the volume of the container. When temperature varies, pressure increases or decreases causing the container to expand or contract
  • When elevation changes, the atmospheric pressure changes causing the container to expand or contract
  • Chemical reactions occurring either within the product formula or the between the product and elements in the container release gas or consume available oxygen – causing the container to expand or contract

To understand how these problems have been solved in the past and the impact of decisions you may have already made that are costing you money, click here to understand more about past and costly thinking.

No matter what the industry, product or application, PSI can customize a venting solution to relieve the problems of bloating and panelling, and deliver your custom solution in a form that integrates within your manufacturing and container make processes. See our available forms of delivering your venting products.

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