OMEX Environmental develops bio-available micronutrient supplements to maximise the efficiency of Biogas Plants and Anaerobic Digesters. It also develops and markets a range of nutrients and neutralisers for all types of wastewater treatment as well as deicing agents for runways, roads and footpaths. Products are available in the UK and for export worldwide.
- Working closely with industry to reduce environmental impact, treat waste and help optimise operational performance
- Technical support and advice available from the very start of business with OMEX
- Suppliers of Nutrients and Neutralisersto regulate all types of wastewater treatment processes
- Innovative products and services to optimise biogas yields and increase plant performance
Our Environmental Range of Products
Acidic Wastewater Treatment click link here to go to web page
Acidic wastewater treatment is essential for Industrial treatment processes as they can produce acidic wastewater streams, which must be neutralised before discharge to meet pH, metal and other trade effluent discharge consents. OMEX supply Magmex for acidic wastewater treatment, a safe and easy to regulate alternative to the more traditional hazardous products such as caustic soda.
Product Range includes Magmex 1060, Magmex 706 and Magmex 740
Biological Wastewater Treatment click link here to go to web page
Nutritionally speaking, most wastewaters are unbalanced. To ensure optimal performance from the microbial population their diet needs to be balanced and the most likely macronutrients to be deficient are Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorous (P).
Product Range includes;
BioBlock – BioBlock is a water soluble product that gradually dissolves over a 30-90 day period. The slow release provides a continuous supply of high performance bacteria that will break down fat and grease permanently.
Nutromex 100 series – A range of Nitrogen and Phosphorus blends. The normal ratio for aerobic plants with no N or P input is 5:1 but all ratios from 100%N to 100%P can be provided to optimise plant performance
Nutromex Extra PP 900 series – A blend of soluble carbohydrates, N, P , trace nutrients and essential cations. This super food product is used to augment COD in start ups, over shutdowns and during recovery from toxic shock
Nutromex Plus 200 series – A range of N and P nutrients combined with fully bio-available trace elements to provide a complete balanced nutritional feed
Nutromex Salts 400 series – This series provide Ca, Mg, Na and K cations where they are lacking in an industrial treatment system
Nutromex Salts 600 series – As above but with bio-available trace elements. Used specifically for condensates being treated anaerobically
Biogas Additives click link here to go to web page
Anaerobic Digestion is one of the main processes which produces renewable energy in the form of biogas. This process involves the treatment of wastewater and organic solid wastes such as municipal, food, agriculture crop, animal waste and a variety of other wastes like sewage sludge, converting the organic portion to biogas.
Product Range includes;
Active Fe – The Active Fe range is a range of non-hazardous iron products supplied to the anaerobic industry for the minimisation of hydrogen sulphide levels in the fermenter.
DSM Enzymes – OMEX is the official UK distributor for DSM Biogas. DSM Biogas developed enzyme solutions for biogas application in order to improve the efficiency of fermentation, mainly of fibre rich substrates or more substantial cereal based fibre substrates, in biogas production.
Nutromex TEA – A range of bio available micronutrient supplements created for the anaerobic digester market. These Trace Element Additives provide a wide range of essential trace elements, in a form fully bio-available in anaerobic conditions, to optimise system performance.
Sludge Treatment click link here to go to web page
Sludge is the solid, semisolid, or slurry residual material that is produced as a by-product of wastewater treatment processes. This residue is commonly classified as primary and secondary sludge.
Product Range includes;
Alumex 610 – A specialised inorganic salt-based coagulant, designed to improve the settling capacity of sludges and coagulate suspended colloidal matter.
Ferromex – Combinations of inorganic iron, complex iron and bio-available trace elements created for activated sludge and other aerobic plants to assist with sludge settlement, flocculation and to improve a plants biological health.
Septicity Control click link here to go to web page
Without suitable treatment, sewage and wastewater can damage the environment and create public health problems. One of the problems associated with this is odour complaints which are caused when bacteria in the wastewater utilise all the available oxygen and reduce any sulphates present to sulphides. These sulphides produce the characteristically unpleasant “rotten egg” smell. This lack of air supply, stagnant areas and warm temperatures all promote undesirable biological activity, which results in severe acid corrosion and septicity causing severe damage to sewers. OMEX supplies a range of sodium nitrate and calcium nitrate solutions to help prevent these issues which can occur.
Product Range includes;
Anomex 64
A Sodium Nitrate solution used in biological wastewater treatment.
Anomex 76
A Calcium Nitrate solution also used to prevent odour and septicity issues but is a slightly stronger concentrated solution meaning dosing is not as frequent.
Biological Compounds click link here to go to web page
The main purpose of a biological wastewater treatment plant is to break down waste organics. Micro-organisms metabolise the soluble pollution, producing carbon dioxide, water and more micro-organisms (sludge).
The performance of a biological system is highly dependent on the microbial strains present and, in many cases, the biological population in an effluent treatment plant is not ideally adapted to cope with variations in loading and composition and therefore unable to provide optimum performance. OMEX offers the Micromex EU Range, a range of bio augmentation solutions designed to optimise the biological activity in aerobic wastewater treatment plants, individually tailored for all types of effluent.
Product Range includes;
Micromex 100 series – These bacteriological products are designed for overall plant performance by ensuring consistent reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and improved floc settlement.
Micromex Biospike – This product is a new microbiological solution to minimise settled sludge volume and remove solids handling costs in wastewater lagoons.
Micromex FOG Series – A range of products designed to tackle fats, oils and greases in wastewater, specially selected to enhance floc formation characteristics and out compete undesirable organisms such as Nocardia
Micromex PP 300 series – PP 300 products establish and maintain a resistant biomass able to degrade the pollutants contained in difficult and varying wastes.
Concrete Admixtures click link here to go to web page
Concrete admixtures are the ingredients in concrete that are added to the mix immediately before or during mixing. Producers use admixtures primarily to reduce the cost of concrete construction; to modify the properties of hardened concrete; to ensure the quality of concrete during mixing, transporting, placing, and curing; and to overcome certain emergencies during concrete operations.
Product Range includes;
Anomex CA – Anomex CA is a calcium nitrate solution developed for the construction industry as a multi-purpose concrete admixture which is used as a concrete setting accelerator even in cold temperatures.
Deicers click link here to go to web page
Although many domestic snow and ice clearance problems can be addressed with salt-based products, industrial situations require a more specialised, non-corrosive deicer solution. OMEX manufactures and supplies a comprehensive range of non-corrosive deicing products. This selection of non-hazardous, non-toxic materials includes everything from liquid deicers for roads and bridges, to solid granular deicers for use in areas with limited access and spreading issues.
Product Range includes;
Cryotech NAAC – A prilled non-corrosive deicer based on anhydrous sodium acetate. The spherical granule shape means NAAC® spreads very evenly, thoroughly treating all areas that are inaccessible to a sprayer.
Glycomex – A glycol based deicer, approved to the latest deicing standards and offering negligible impact on carbon brakes.
Isomelt – A granular non-corrosive deicer based on anhydrous sodium formate. Fully approved for application to airport runways and also ideal for sensitive structures, such as multi-storey car parks and bridges.
Isomex 1 and 3 – Conventional liquid deicers popular in civil and military airports
Surefoot – A high performance liquid deicer for use on footpaths and public thorough-fares, any situation where ice poses a risk to pedestrians and users.