CalaChem – Service Partner of Choice 


CalaChem is focused on providing Contract Manufacturing and Site Services to customers in the agrochemical, pharmaceutical and speciality chemical industries.

Based in Grangemouth Scotland, CalaChem is a leading large scale chemical company delivering customers’ needs utilising its broad asset and technology base underpinned by its quality driven project management capability.

CalaChemOur History


Contract Manufacturing

CalaChem has a long heritage in the chemicals industry and experience of servicing the large scale contract manufacturing needs of it’s customers in:

  • Agrochemicals: Intermediates and active ingredients
  • Pharmaceuticals: Registered starting materials
  • Specialty chemicals: Intermediates and finished products

Technology and R&D
CalaChem has a small team of highly skilled chemical development specialists who have a wealth of knowledge and experience of process development and siting in contract manufacturing.

Operational Excellence
CalaChem’s outstanding operational excellence is demonstrated by high Right First Time pass rates. The Contract Manufacturing teams are part of a multi-functional operational excellence improvement programme and employ tools and techniques of the “Visible Factory”.

Supply Chain Management
CalaChem has all the necessary skills and experience to manage and plan contract manufacturing activity and to procure goods and services.

CalaChem’s supply chain activities include sales and operation planning (S&OP) and employ a manufacturing resource planning (MRP2) system and processes.

Site Services

CalaChem is the key supplier of essential utilities and services to major international companies at their Grangemouth facility. As well as providing power, steam and support services, CalaChem own and operate an aerobic Effluent Treatment facility handling aqueous hazardous and non hazardous waste. Services include ;

New Combined Heat and Power Plant

With a desire to improve environmental performance and enhance international competitiveness by reducing costs, CalaChem is looking to redevelop part of its site to construct a renewable energy plant that will deliver electricity and heat for use of the business and other companies on site and in Earls Gate Park. The new combined heat and power (CHP) plant will replace the existing boiler house and will replace conventional fuels with Refuse Derived Fuel, or RDF, which is produced from processing the remaining material from commercial and household wastes after recyclables have been removed, and has been classified by the EU as a renewable fuel.


CalaChem – Service Partner of Choice

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